More Travel In Life

039 Managing Remote Teams & Events Around the World to Live Location-Independent



Dan Taylor has focused on finding flexible employment and gotten lucky with travel as a result. He became an entrepreneur after consulting and traveling the globe with Deloitte. He's often worked without a home office and traveled for 6 months out of the year for over eight years before establishing Prague as his base. Now as CEO and Founder of AppsEvents & EventsFrame, he has teams on almost every continent, so he has great insights on managing remote teams. Since his business has allowed him to travel for 12+ years, we talked about transitions and maintaining balance as an entrepreneur with an exciting new chapter of travel with his wife and 9 month old child.    EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: Seeing the world as a SAP consultant  Transitioning from consultant to entrepreneur Finding a need & serving it (not knowing where it might lead) Supporting schools, and himself, through Google Education seminars & certifications  How to start building a remote team What’s most important to succeed in managing remot