Npk Hydroponics Live

Pests in the garden: Podcast 180 - NPK Hydroponics live



Pests in your garden? This week while helping Barry move tons of Mersey grit for his man-cave, I thought this grey-haired petrolhead is a proper pest... and that was when we decided to do podcast 180 on pests and disease. We spent so much time on pests though, we'll have to cover disease next week. So, it's still summer, there are lots of pests and we're going to tell you how to avoid the little bastards and how to kill when you need to... Just pests though, it's no that kind of podcast! BIG THANK YOU TO OUR LEGENDARY PARTNERS CANNA AutoPot SANlight CAN Filters & Revolution Microelectronics Without them, this podcast wouldn't be possible! Enjoy your hour of peace because you're listening to NPK Live