Muscle for Life

Jeff and Mikki Martin on the Right (and Wrong) Ways to Help Kids Get Fit



News flash: us Westerners aren’t exactly paragons of health and wellness. While it’s easy to blame our bloated body fat percentages and sedentary living on many different external factors, the reality is that much of what’s ailing us collectively has stemmed from the compounding effects of bad habits that began in childhood. And these trends aren’t getting any better. Kids these days are less active, less interested in physical activity and sports, and spend more time in front of T.V.s, computers, tablets, and phones than ever before. Their dietary habits aren’t any better, either, with less than 10% of teenagers meeting the minimum number of daily servings of fruits or vegetables. Many parents think this calls for extreme measures like micromanaging their broodlings’ every calorie and extracurricular minute in an attempt to save their kids from the pitfalls of modern living. This too often backfires and can lead to alarmingly unhealthy behaviors as the children get older and eventually leave the nest. And so