Muscle for Life

Mark Divine on Unlocking Your Leadership Potential, Navy SEAL Style



Leadership may sound glamorous, but it’s far different from what most people imagine. It’s hard work. It takes brains, grit, and persistence. You have to earn the trust and respect of your team. You have to do more than just learn new skills to become a good leader, too—you have to work on yourself to overcome the mental hurdles holding you back, including deeply-ingrained negative behaviors and emotions. Luckily, no matter your previous experience, you can become a better leader. And who better to learn from than Mark Divine, who’s releasing a new book on leadership called Staring Down the Wolf: 7 Leadership Commitments That Forge Elite Teams. In case you’re not familiar with Mark, he’s a master in mental toughness and leadership. He’s not just a New York Times bestselling author and creator of several multi-million dollar businesses (including SEALFIT and Unbeatable Mind), he was also a Navy SEAL for 20 years and climbed the rank of commander before retiring. So it goes without saying that Mark isn’t just t