Muscle for Life

9 of My Favorite Weightlifting Cues for More Strength and Safety



Weightlifting may look easy compared to sports like golf, soccer, or gymnastics, but it’s far more technical than most people realize.  For example, properly performing a barbell back squat requires balance, coordination, and strength in a variety of muscle groups. Even the humdrum bench press and deadlift demand meticulous timing and muscular control. Your weightlifting technique also has a major impact on your long-term fitness results.  In a way, learning proper weightlifting technique is like mastering the fundamentals of personal finance.  “Invest” early by taking the time to hone good weightlifting technique, and that time and effort will pay dividends for the rest of your weightlifting journey.   So, what’s the best way to learn weightlifting technique?  Well, it’s not what most people do, which is aping others in the gym. The fact is that most people who lift weights don’t use good technique, and if you try to mimic what they’re doing, you’ll end up making the same mistakes.&n