Muscle for Life

Paul Ingraham on the Art and Science of Staying Injury-Free



Nobody likes getting hurt. Well, besides masochists, of course. But seriously, getting injured sucks. Pain is annoying at best or excruciating at worst, but that’s not necessarily even the worst part. If you try to work through the pain, you’ll usually end up even worse off. So, injuries not only prevent you from working out comfortably, but they often keep us out of the gym altogether. In turn, this slows down your progress or even brings your fitness goals to a complete halt. Most people fear serious, acute injuries from lifting weights. The truth is weightlifting isn’t nearly as dangerous as many people think, and one of the most common issues us gym-goers face is repetitive stress injuries (RSIs). That’s why I called in a true RSI expert, Paul Ingraham, the founder of who spends all day writing about pain and injuries. In this episode, we chat about ... The underlying mechanisms behind overuse injuries How you can prevent RSIs and treat chronic pain Why you might not want to take ant