Muscle for Life

How to Use the Thermic Effect of Food to Boost Your Metabolism



Keep on imagining, because all of this is a mirage. The reality is no food can directly cause fat loss. (Some foods are more conducive to fat loss than others, but that’s not the same as causing fat loss. More on this soon.) “What about foods that boost your metabolism, though?” you might be thinking. And that’s what brings us to the topic of this podcast: the thermic effect of food. Fitness magazines and “miracle diet” hucksters claim that eating foods with a high thermic effect is the secret to getting the body of your dreams. If only it were that simple. The thermic effect of food does play a role in your metabolism and weight loss and weight gain, but not in the way that many people would have you believe. That is, the foods you eat do affect your metabolism and the speed at which you lose or gain weight, but they aren’t the primary determinants. And in this podcast, we’re going to break it all down. By the end, you’re going to know what the thermic effect of food is and several science-based ways to use