Bear Psychology podcast

Taming Sleep … Dreams & Nightmares



Ahh, deep restorative sleep! What relief!  We all know how much better we feel after a good night's sleep.  But what happens when we are woken up throughout the night by disturbing nightmares and unsettling dreams?  Are we prepared with strategies for getting back to sleep or for addressing upsetting dream content when it surfaces?  What about repetitive nightmares that keep coming back?  How are we to deal with them?  Well, today's show looks at sleep interventions, as well as dream and nightmare strategies. I love this topic as it gives you the skills for looking closely at what surfaces through the dream content and what makes it so interesting and meaningful in your own healing journey. Whether it is tigers chasing you or workplace incidents, repeating the content is often symbolic or representative of what needs addressing, rather than reflective of the actual problems in your life.  For example, if in your life you are not getting along with a specific friend ... your dream content might show you in a b