The Tv Campfire

Female Gaze: From Festival to TV Screen



Tomorrow starts the first ever ATX TV...from the Couch! Caitlin and Emily discuss the power of story and why they decided to continue to hold the virtual festival this weekend. They share their beliefs on television being a powerful platform and tool for change, and the need to not shy away from difficult conversations but rather to lean into and amplify them. They also highlight the stories being told during the festival that are needed now as much (if not more) than ever before. Then we release our Female Gaze panel recorded January 2020 out of LA’s YouTube Spaces! The male gaze,” largely acknowledged as “the act of depicting women and the world from a masculine, heterosexual perspective that represents women as sexual objects,” has been the dominant viewpoint since the beginning of art and culture -- but what happens when women become the subject instead of the object? This conversation explores the “female gaze” with actors, writers & directors who are reclaiming female agency by (figuratively an