Buddhist Geeks

The Erotic Embrace of Life and Meditation



We’re joined today by Vidyuddeva, a young Zen teacher who spent 5 years in monastic training with Zen Master Steve Hagen. Vid is now a teacher in his own right, and teaches with both the iEvolve Practice Community as well as with the Integral Spiritual Center (founded by Ken Wilber). In this episode, Vid shares with us how he came to the dharma, and how it eventually led to his time as a Zen monastic. He also turns the table on the Geeks and begins questioning us as to what the significance is between meditation and life. Listen in to hear more from this young & dynamic voice of wisdom. Episode Links: Dharma Field Zen Center ( http://www.dharmafield.org ) Buddhism Plain and Simple ( http://bit.ly/ZjJFK ) iEvolve: Global Practice Community ( http://www.ievolve.org )