Hype Girl Podcast

I Quit! The Life-Affirming Joy of Giving Up with Coonoor Behal



Coonoor Behal is the author of I Quit! The Life-Affirming Joy of Giving Up, which will be published by New Degree Press in April 2021. The book seeks to help readers rethink and re-frame quitting by sharing stories from everyday people who summoned the courage to quit things in their lives. She is also the Founder & CEO of Mindhatch LLC, a consultancy that helps organizations create the conditions for innovation and creativity to thrive. Through Mindhatch, Coonoor delivers her unique mix of expertise in Design Thinking, Organizational Improv™, Innovation Facilitation, and Diversity & Inclusion. I Quit Book: https://iquitbook.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mindhatch_llc/ Website: https://www.mindhatchllc.com/ Follow me on Instagram for more magic: https://www.instagram.com/aelintheoracle/