Trail Outlaws Podcast

TOP Episode 3 - Marvellous Mimi - Freedom Runners



Released on 16th July 2014 Episode 3 - Marvellous Mimi - Freedom Runners In this episode we talk to Mimi Anderson about the Freedom Runners Project. Phill introduces Tony Holland to the show. Emily interviews the ladies SDW100 Sarah Burns-Morwood. Tim talks to Jen and Sim Benson about their book Wild Running and Tim talks also to the organiser of the Celts Ultra Barrie Williams. We even sneak in a mini interview with the Bruce Crombie the winner of the worlds greatest Fell Race, the Chevy Chase.   Links for Mimi Anderson Pozible Project for Freedom Runners Freedom Runners Project Mimi's website Links for Tony Holland Ultra Runner Store Links for Sarah Burns-Morwood Link for Sarah Links for Wild Running Book Wild Running book website The Trail Outlaws discount code for the book is TO14 Links for Bruce Crombie Bruce's Blog Outro Music   This episode of Trail Outlaws Podcast was sponsored by