Hype Girl Podcast

The Power of Resilience and Living Your Best Life After A Transplant



Wendy’s story is truly one of resilience. A roller coaster of life-altering surgery, trial medications that include Viagra, undertaking a trip of a lifetime, overcoming severe depression and PTSD, and coming to terms with a short life expectancy - then channeling it all to inspire and help others. It highlights that it’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop. Wendy is also a Founder and Board member of the Lungitude Foundation, a registered Australian not-for-profit that focuses on facilitating world-class translational research, advocating for lung and organ transplant excellence, building a strong community of support, and educating key audiences. http://readyresilience.com https://www.facebook.com/readyresilience/ https://www.instagram.com/ready.resilience https://www.instagram.com/aelintheoracle/