Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast

Grading From the Inside Out: Featuring Tom Schimmer



This week’s guest, Tom Schimmer, shares his journey as a leader, redefining accountability in grading, the myths of standards based grading and the importance of descriptive feedback.    In this episode, we discuss: Standards Based Mindset Grading True North Myths about Standards Based Grading And Grading From the Inside Out About Tom Schimmer:Tom Schimmer is an independent education author, speaker, and consultant from Vancouver, BC. Over the course of his career he has been a classroom teacher, school administrator, and district level leader. Tom is an internationally recognized leader and expert in the areas of assessment, grading, RTI, and educational leadership. He has delivered both keynote and workshop sessions at several national and international conferences. As well, Tom has worked directly with schools and school districts throughout Canada, the United States, Vietnam, China, Myanmar, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Qatar, Bahrain, India, the U.A.E., the U.K., Russia, Singapore, Spain,