Let's Chat With Russtek

Let’s Chat with Russtek Episode 33 - Let's Chat About Facebook Pages, Groups and Profiles



On this week's episode of Let's Chat with Russtek we're chatting about Facebook. More importantly, what the difference is between a Page, Group and a Profile is and how you can make them all work for your business. Be sure to follow us on all of our Social Media Platforms Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RusstekMedia Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/russtekmedia Twitter - https://twitter.com/russtekmedia LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nrussell18/ Be sure to join our free Facebook Group, Entrepreneur Momentum! https://www.facebook.com/groups/entrepreneurmomentum Are you ready to take things to the next level? Join our wait list and be the first to get access to our FREE Training! https://entrepreneurmomentum.com/wait-list Get 2 months of ToDoist Premium for FREE and 3 bonus templates for FREE! info.russtekmedia.com/todoist Don't forget to download you 30 Day's of Social Media Content eBook for FREE https://info.russtekmedia.com/socialmediabundle Get 2 months of ToDoist Premium for FREE and 3