Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

91: From High School Teacher To Published Author In One Year



With university degrees in English and Education from the University of Toronto, she set out to become a High School Teacher. It wasn’t long before she found herself stuck in a routine that she didn’t love. She had an itch to move…to do something different.   She absolutely loved to write, so she decided that’s what she would do. She opted not to renew her contract, and opened up a blank Word document. One year later, and Sheeza Iqbal is a published author, and this week’s Millennial Mentor.   Throughout the week we’ll move through her entire journey from high school teacher to published author. We’ll discuss the Fear and Doubt that showed up along the way, and learn more about the Trust, Faith and serious Persistence Sheeza needed to get the job done.   Resources Discussed   Sheeza’s Website Purchase Sheeza’s book on Amazon   Continue the conversation with me in these ways: Email at and follow me on Twitter @_daveanderson.   Visit for comp