Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

105: Don’t Take It Personally...



It’s our 5th and final day with Shamsha Shamsey. We’ve had some amazing conversations this week about Vipassana, Dealing with Negative Emotions, Rumi, and the Never-Ending Quest for Balance. Today, we talk about what to do when you find yourself taking something personally, and how moving through personal attacks (regardless of their form) multiplies your personal power.   We wrap up with a quick chat about how we can choose to live in the past, the present, or the future. The reality is that most of us spend most of our time in the past or the future. Shamsha shares a powerful story about a painter that teaches us how to choose the present moment, and stay in the NOW.   Resources Discussed   Shamsha’s website Shamsha’s first appearance on Moving Millennials   Continue the conversation with me in these ways: Email at and follow me on Twitter  @_daveanderson.   Visit for complete show notes, to download The Manifesto, and to receive your free