Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

118: Using Your Economy To Fund Your Life



Complete Personal Freedom lies on the other side of finding a way to create your own economy, so that you are no longer dependent on trading your time for money (or tennis balls for glasses of water).   Today’s episode is all about crystallizing the possibilities that exist within this vision for young people - this new approach to work, life, and money.    After the episode, I encourage you to become clear on what your life would look and feel like if you no longer needed to trade your time for money. Where would you be living? Who would you be with? How would you fill your days, weeks, and months?    Realize that the lifestyle you’re now imagining is 100% achievable, and more accessible than you know. It’s literally at your fingertips, and it only requires a shift in your focus to move swiftly towards it.    I’m excited to hear what a life of freedom means for you. Send me a message at, and share your vision with me.    Have an amazing day. Do what moves you.       Visit http://w