Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

119: How To Begin Your New Approach To Work, Life, And Money



We’re at the end of our 5-day conversation about this new approach to work, life, and money. In today’s episode, I summarize the new approach from start to finish, and wrap up the conversation with a call to action to simply be on the lookout for opportunities that allow you to create your own economy.   We are truly living in the most exciting time in human history. The opportunities at our disposal are limitless. It’s up to us take action, to shift our paradigm, expand our mindset, and step up our game in all areas.   I am excited to open up a 1-on-1 mentorship program to 6 of you, and virtually hold your hand through the first part of your journey as you change your approach to work, life, and money.    If you want to apply to be in this first group of 6, watch the video over at and enter your name and email. You’ll receive an email from me with more information and some very clear next steps.    I am absolutely fired up to get started, and excited to meet more of