Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

124: Moving From Marketing Manager to Owner and Cinematographer



After attending college for Advertising and Marketing and then working as a Marketing Manager for a manufacturing company, Andrew Sorlie decided to leap into the unknown and start a film production company with his wife.   Today, he is the Creative Director and Partner at Stature Films (link to: He’s been hired to do video production in 3 continents, and has worked with companies like Air Canada, Second Cup, and Cineplex.   Today we get to hear Andrew’s story and learn more about why he decided to move from a successful career in marketing to the land of entrepreneurship and film-making.   Tune in, subscribe, spread the word, and do what moves you.   Resources Discussed   Stature Films   Continue the conversation with me in these ways: Email at and follow me on Twitter  @_daveanderson.     Visit for complete show notes, to download The Manifesto, and to receive your free ebook, 'The Millennial Mentors: Volume 1'.