Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

126: The Benefits (and Challenges) Of Starting a Business With Your Life Partner



In our third conversation with Andrew Sorlie we discuss the pros and cons of running businesses with people you are already close with. In Andrew’s case, his business partner happens to be his wife. They clearly spend a ton of time together and in their minds, one of the biggest advantages they have going for them.   Today, Andrew discusses how they’ve worked to create a strong partnership in business, and a stronger marriage.    Tune in, subscribe, spread the word, and do what moves you.   Resources Discussed   Stature Films The Magic of Customizing Your Career (With Your Partner)   Continue the conversation with me in these ways: Email at and follow me on Twitter  @_daveanderson.     Visit for complete show notes, to download The Manifesto, and to receive your free ebook, 'The Millennial Mentors: Volume 1'.