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140: Back to Basics: The Difference Between Money and Currency (and why most people have no real money)



Money and Currency. Same thing, right? Maybe not. Today, as we continue our Back to Basics series, I discuss the difference between Currency and Money and do my best to communicate why this is so important to understand.    Mike Maloney has taught me so much about monetary history through his book ‘Rich Dad’s s Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver’, his YouTube series ‘The Hidden Secrets of Money’, and the endless content on his blog at   Mike believes that the best investment you can make is in your own financial education, and I completely agree.   I try to cover a lot of ground today, and would love to hear your feedback, comments, and questions. Drop me a line via email, and if you want to learn more about The Liberty Network, just add ‘Liberty Network’ to the subject line.   In today’s episode, you will learn:   The 6 characteristics of Currency The 7 characteristics of real Money Why it’s so important to understand and recognize the difference between Currency and Money The definition