Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

150: How To Move From Thinking To Feeling



Subscribe on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio.   Summer Study is back. I have just started work on a book that will be published in the fall. The working title is: ‘Do What Moves You: How to Create a Life of Travel, Contribution, and Freedom (in your 20s and 30s)'   The outline is finished, and now I am excited to ‘workshop’ the book with you. In each Summer Study episode, I will discuss the topic for a chapter in my book. I’ll go through the main points that I plan to cover and invite you to share your feedback, ideas, and relevant stories that I might be able to use in the book.   I am excited to hash out some of the details with you. In today’s world, collaboration is king and I’m grateful to be able to collaborate with you.   Enjoy the summer. Do what moves you.'   Visit for complete show notes, to download The Manifesto, and to receive your free ebook, 'The Millennial Mentors: Volume 1'.   Help spread the word...   iTunes ratings and review are the #1 way