Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

163: Why You Should Spend More Time Talking To Yourself



Subscribe on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio.   Do you spend more time talking to yourself, or listening to yourself? THAT is the question for today’s episode.    We’re surrounded by so much NOISE in our world today. At work, at home, on social media. This noise clouds our inner VOICE and causes us to live in a place of self-doubt and comparison.    One of the best ways to silence the noise is to use the power of our own spoken word to actually speak - out loud - new thoughts into our mind.    Today’s episode is all about WHY this is so powerful, and HOW to go about it.   Listen in, then speak up.    Oh yeah - did I mention the Moving Millennials Facebook Group. This is becoming a POWERFUL community of like-minded young people who are engaging in DAILY conversation to raise the collective consciousness on the planet. Join the crew ASAP.