Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

164: The Sedona Method and 4 Core Human Wants



Subscribe on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio.   Two years ago was hanging out in Thailand with Jenny and downloaded a book called The Sedona Method. I had know idea what it was, but the concept intrigued me: a tool that you could use any time, anywhere, to release emotions that are holding you back.   I read the book, and immediately started applying it. Turns out, this insanely simple technique is POWERFUL.   In today’s episode I share the basics of The Sedona Method and leave you with a strait forward process you can start using today to move past fear, doubt and uncertainty.      Oh yeah - did I mention the Moving Millennials Facebook Group. This is becoming a POWERFUL community of like-minded young people who are engaging in DAILY conversation to raise the collective consciousness on the planet. Join the crew ASAP.