Moving Millennials | Oxygen For A Generation Of Game-changers

173: The Power of ONE Conversation



Subscribe on iTunes, Soundcloud, Stitcher Radio. Conversations are the soil in which the seeds of new ideas are planted. Every single day we have the opportunity to engage in conversations with all different types of people. Sometimes we choose to engage, sometimes we don’t. Today’s episode is all about the potential that lies within a single conversation. I share a couple of examples of conversations that have changed the trajectory of my life, and invite you to become aware of the conversations that have done the same for you. I love the lesson in today’s episode, and hope it brings you a new perspective in the conversations you’re having every single day. Enjoy :) If you haven’t already, be sure to join our Facebook Group. This is becoming a POWERFUL community of like-minded young people who are engaging in DAILY conversation to raise the collective consciousness on the planet. Join the crew ASAP.