Confederacy Of Dunks

S08: Episode 8.192: Vivek Jacob & Adam Christie



The trade deadline has passed and we’ve said goodbye to Norm Powell, Terence Davis and Matt Thomas. Hello, Gary Trent Jr. and Rodney Hood! It ain’t over till it’s over! RAPTORS: Twenty-five games to go. It’s been a rough ride. What should fans focus on to get through this last bit of the season? (Development, draft, playoff push?) How are GM Bobby and President Masai feeling a week past the deadline? The Gary Trent Jr./Sr trade fact is wild. We talk other fun Raptors facts! NBA: What team improved the most at the trade deadline? Is Draymond Green the best defensive player ever? Or does he even make the top ten? Quickish Questions! and more with Vivek Jacob and Adam Christie! Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network