Confederacy Of Dunks

S06: Episode 6.97: Matt McCready & Ennis Esmer



Huge changes again in Raptorland! They’re 42-16 and have once again pulled on our heart strings with a big deadline trade and buyout additions. Raps: Marc-Mania: What was the best part of the Gasol trade? Linsanity: Are you Linsane for Jeremy? Saying goodbye to our guys (JV, Delon, CJ, Moose). NBA: Trade deadline winners and losers. All Star game coming up! We pick our winners for the 3-point shootout & dunk off. Quick-ish questions, tell me somethings, special guests Matt McCready and Ennis Esmer! Brought to you by The Sonar Network Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network