Confederacy Of Dunks

S07: Episode 7.158: Cathryn Naiker & Dan Galea



We’re back, we’re healthy, we’re incredible. Raptors record sits at 48-18 after two impressive wins against the Lakers and Heat. RAPS: Fred looking like Steph, Kyle is a legend and OG just shut down LBJ and Bam back to back. Of greatest concern, Siakam looking tentative at times or our deep bench looking a little shaky? The playoffs are going to come fast. What are you thinking when you look at the standings? NBA:  Just wild basketball all over the place. What’s the most exciting thing you have watched since the games started counting?  The court + game play. Good, bad, ugly, all of the above? Favourite BLM sentiments in the bubble so far? With Cathryn Naiker and Dan Galea! Brought to you by The Sonar Network   Support Confederacy of Dunks Brought to you By: The Sonar Network