Rock Candy

Episode 127: Talkin’ Butt Rock – with special guests Make It Stop!



Just when things couldn't get worse- butt rock happened. One of the most polarizing styles of music to exist, sometimes loved, but mostly despised. Or at least an easy target to get dunked on. This episode, we have in-depth discussions about what it means to be butt rock. Why is it reviled and what is redeemable about it? Could it have something to do with the DBE (Big Dirtbag Energy) or is it just daddy issues? How many post grunge bands should be categorized as butt rock? All these questions will be answered as we are joined by our proteges from Make It Stop- Heather and Mike, PHBs in bad music, making them professionals on this topic in our eyes. Also enjoy hearing us teach the kids about butt rock in real time. Check out the bad music and good times with Make It Stop! Visit Adam & Eve and use the code CANDYPOD to get 50% off nearly any one item and some sweet free stuff! Want to support your favorite beer drinkin’ babes? Check out our Patreon!Listen to all the great podcasts over on the Pantheon