Rock Candy

Episode 132: The Ramones Part 2 – Getting To Know You Gun Play



The second installment of the Ramones story is filled with the stuff of rock n' roll legend. We explain their influence on UK punk, get more in depth about the band mates contrasting personalities, and give audible shock and awe at the shenanigans that were pulled when they worked with Phil Spector. They're working hard to get the notoriety they crave, but coming up short every time. When will they catch a break? Just listen in to see. We have merch! Check out the Rock Candy Teespring Store now! Visit Adam & Eve and use the code CANDYPOD to get 50% off nearly any one item and some sweet free stuff! Want to support your favorite beer drinkin’ babes? Check out our Patreon!Listen to all the great podcasts over on the Pantheon Network!