Theedtalks | Helping Busy People Feel Energized Again

WEB02: 5 Processed Foods You Can Easily Make At Home



This episode is brought to you by  Get Your FREE Audio Book Welcome to the “Weekly Energy Boost” (WEB) podcast episode of The Ed Talks, where you get a short episode on either facts, tips or goodies relating to your energy and your overall health and happiness. OVERVIEW: This weeks show follows on from WEB episode 01 where I discussed the first 2 steps to feeling energized and the simple thing everyone can do which is to eat more real food in place of processed foods. So on this weeks show I’m going to go through with you 5 Processed Foods that are consumed in most households, that you can easily make at home yourself. With easy homemade recipes, cutting back on processed foods and eating clean is easier than you might think. In this episode you’ll discover: The effect that processed foods have on your digestion Your Energy Boost goodies for the week. Items mentioned in this episode include: Digestion of Processed foods vs Homemade foods (check out the video here) Stefani Bardin’s Website Break