Theedtalks | Helping Busy People Feel Energized Again

EP25: How Fatigue, Testosterone And Women Are Linked with Dr. Tami Meraglia



For many people hormones start to decline in their 30’s and this can cause a whole range of symptoms such as fatigue, low confidence, depression, low libido, increased body fat and lots more. Now a suspect that can play a role is testosterone. What many women may be unaware of is that low testosterone may be the cause of these problems not only in men but also in women. Stress plays a big role in reducing testosterone production especially as you age, but thankfully as our expert Dr. Tami Meraglia in this episode of TheEdTalks explains, there are many simple, safe and natural ways to bring your testosterone levels back to normal, to give you the vitality and energy you once had and even possibly help with losing that stubborn belly fat. Tweet: Why women should care about testosterone. @askdrtami explains how in Ep25. In this episode you’ll discover: What are hormones and how do they affect us The reason why traditional medicine may not be paying attention to testosterone levels in women The importance of t