Theedtalks | Helping Busy People Feel Energized Again

EB16: Coconut Oil A Superfood That Can Heal & Harm You



In today’s episode I’m going to discuss coconut oil, a food that has lots of amazing benefits worthy of the term superfood but there are also some dangers to be aware of before you start having an all out coconut oil frenzy. In this episode you’ll discover: 10 key reasons why coconut oil can be beneficial for you How it can increase your energy and possibly help with weight loss and thyroid issues How it can help us against serious infections and greatly assist children with epilepsy Why it is a great anti ageing/beauty product How it may play a role in brain and gut health Why you should consider using it as a cooking oil Dangers to be aware of before consuming coconut oil on a regular basis. Items mentioned in this episode include: EB15: Cordyceps Superfood Or Alien? Saturated fats and increase of cholesterol enriched LDL Lauric acid effect on increasing HDL cholesterol Coconut oil and weight loss MCTs and obesity Satiety effect of coconut oil Coconut oil and visceral fat reduction Coconut oil and belly