Theedtalks | Helping Busy People Feel Energized Again

EB17: The Amazon Superfood Acai



In this episode of TheEdTalks we continue along a little series on superfoods. In the last Energy Boost episode 16 I discussed the superfood coconut oil. There are loads of scientifically proven energizing health benefits that can result from including coconut oil in your life, but for some people depending on what other foods you include in your diet, the type of coconut oil you use and how your body functions, coconut oil can in fact be harmful to you. You can check out that episode here. In this episode I discuss a superfood that I discovered when travelling in Brazil, the acai berry. It is definitely a powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants, nutrition and consequently energy, but deceptive marketing and the inclusion of other not so healthy ingredients in acai products, can negate its benefits and definitely does not justify its high price tag. In this episode you’ll discover: Why acai is considered so important to traditional Amazonian people Why the berries need to be frozen / freeze dried Why it can