Theedtalks | Helping Busy People Feel Energized Again

EB18: Fighting Cancer With Super Brazil Nuts



In the past few Energy Boost (EB) episodes of TheEdTalks I’ve been focusing on superfoods. Particular foods that are overflowing with goodness or exhibit a few particular traits that can be extremely beneficial for us. In the last Energy Boost episode 17  I discussed the superfood Acai. It is definitely a powerhouse when it comes to antioxidants, nutrition and consequently energy, but deceptive marketing and the inclusion of other not so healthy ingredients in acai products, can negate its benefits and definitely does not justify its high price tag. You can check out that episode here. In this episode I discuss a nut which I discovered is in fact a seed. And that is the Brazil nut or should I now be saying The Brazil seed? I’ll go with nut as that seems to be what’s stuck. The Brazil nut is not your average nut for many reasons but some biggies are that it may protect us against cancer, boost our metabolism and get you rocking when it comes to the loving department. But you can definitely do harm to yourself