Theedtalks | Helping Busy People Feel Energized Again

EP36: Becoming A Better Parent with Dr. Laura Markham



Parenting is one of the biggest energy drains both mentally and physically for so many people, me definitely included. Sure there are days when things flow beautifully and your little angel showers you in adoring love and hugs and follows along in the day’s activities, but there are lots of days when it seems like you arebattling up stream. The resulting frustration, anger and stress that can bubble up and over power us doesn’t serve anyone well, especially the impressionable minds of our children. World renowned parenting expert and clinical psychologist Dr. Laura Markham empowers us with so much valuable information in this episode of TheEdTalks to help us all become better parents. Tweet: @DrLauraMarkham explains how to make your kids listen to you. In this episode you’ll discover: The type of parenting that research shows works How to increase the emotional intelligence of children Why connection is key to reducing parental fatigue Methods for dealing with an aggressive child How to help kids develop e