Theedtalks | Helping Busy People Feel Energized Again

EB29: The Power Of Placebo And Nocebo



In this episode of TheEdTalks I go into the mind-body connection which science has proven over and over again to result from the Placebo effect and the not so widely known, Nocebo effect. It’s a good way to get your head around the fact that the mind-body connection is very powerful, affecting our energy on so many levels. In this episode you’ll discover: What the Placebo and Nocebo effects are How our thoughts have been shown to directly affect our body How people have magically made their hair either grow or fall out 3 key beliefs to empower your life. Items mentioned in this episode include: Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links which help me pay the bills for The Ed Talks at no extra cost to you. EB28: A Fun Quiz To Understand You And Your Friends Better Placebo improves asthma symptoms Improved motor skills in Parkinson’s patients Women shown to lose weight and reduce blood pressure Placebo related hair growth Negative suggestions leading to sever side effects British Stomach Ca