SAGE Mindset Podcast

SAGE Leadership Series Part 3 - What Does Prayer Have To Do With Leadership?



In part three of this series, I look at the powerful practice of prayer in leadership and how you can use it to be more reflective, get powerful insights, unlock vision in your leadership, and release stress.  These are only a few of the benefits of being a praying leader. In this episode, I also challenge you to start doing two things. Write down the ideas, stressors, wants, and struggles that you have as a leader then release then through prayer. When you do this consistently, my promise to you is that you will have a freer, less stressed, and more powerful leadership experience than you have now. The second challenge is to wake up early and as your first real action of the day - pray. Don't listen to an audiobook, check your email, or look at social media. Get up and quietly reflect/pray. This is not meditation but praying in gratitude and in request for the things that you really want.  Prayer is a strange topic in the world of business but we all know whether you believe in God or not, there is trem