Live Loa Radio

Soul Contracts.. what are they? Intuitive Healer Rita Giganti joins us to explan



Soul Contracts... what are they?We welcome you to join us as we are joined by Rita Gigante to discuss Soul Contracts, what they are, who we choose to have contracts with and how they affect our lives deeply.  We will also discuss how to prepare yourself for healing emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. It's going to be a great show.Rita has dedicated her adult life to healing people spiritually, emotionally, and physically. She uses healing methods including energy therapy, intuitive healing, spiritual counseling, sound therapy, angel readings and the Magneshpere. Connect with Rita to learn more of what she offers at invite you to join us each week on our show! Together, Linda and Nada, share their real life successes with you. You can call in and ask any questions you want to find clarity on working with that awesome power within you. They will assist you in finding your connection to Spirit, to your Guides and Angels and to knowing that this awesome Univers