Expanding Realities

Messengers and Technology From the Stars with Judy Beebe



Born with severe diabetes, Judy suffered a diabetic coma at the age of three. Her mother took her to see a Dr. who worked with scalar (unit of measurement in a field) fields to heal. Her health began to improve almost right away at by the age of 13 the diabetes was completely gone. Judy actually had a magical childhood despite the diabetes. Dr. Mac, the Dr. who healed her and eventually became her mentor, had meetings at her home that included the early pioneers in UFOlogy, such as George Van Tassle, Dr. Frank Stranges, George Williamson, as well as Venusian Commander Valient Thor from Venus. Hold on, I know what you’re thinking! Judy not only met him on several occasions but she was also taken to Venus when she was 17..... AND will describe what it looked like! Judy’s experiences with extraterrestrials go back to the age of five.Judy Beebe, is the author of The Hydrogen Cipher, and developer of a formula that has taken over 20 years to come to fruition. Judy has over 40 years in the medical field, including