My Home Planet Podcast

Amelia Telford-Sowing The SEEDs of Indigenous Youth Climate Action



When Amelia Telford was in the third grade she wrote a letter to Australia’s then Prime Minister- John Howard, asking him to change the national anthem. From a young age this Bundajalung woman understood that to change something, you need to challenge it-and she’s been doing so ever since.As the founder of SEED: Australia’s first Indigenous youth led climate network, Amelia fundamentally sees herself firstly as part of a social justice movement and then as part of the environmental movement. But as she explains in this episode of MHP the two are not mutually exclusive.While indigenous peoples across the planet have been the first scientists, first environmentalist and first conservationists, they are left out of the climate conversation. Amelia explains how governments and even the climate movement itself often doesn't focus on those directly impacted by climate change. Amelia is changing that.Amelia and SEED is building an extraordinary grassroots network of Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander youth, wor