My Home Planet Podcast

Ray Dearlove-Yes it's come to this. The Great Rhino Insurance Policy.



When Ray Dearlove was a real estate owner, he spent a lot of time helping people to relocate-but now-he is helping Rhinos.As the founder of the Australian Rhino Project, this south African has set himself the monumental task of bringing 80 rhinos to Australia as an insurance policy against the unfathomable possibility of their extinction.As I sat down to talk to Ray in a noisy café-he revealed the fateful phone call that lead him on the path to save rhinos, why it’s the biggest thing he’s ever done and his hope for their eventual return to their homeland. He discusses the complexities in and around rhino poaching-what’s really driving the demand for rhino horn, whose really doing it and the huge logistical issues around bringing these majestic southern African animals to Australia.Born in South Africa, Ray Dearlove emigrated to Australia with his family in 1987. Having worked in IT, Real Estate and Events Management, and with an immense love of wildlife, he co-founded the Australian Rhino Project with Allan D