My Home Planet Podcast

Valerie Taylor-Living Legend, Conservation Champion



With her husband Ron, she went from being a spearfishing champion to one of the worlds biggest champions for ocean conservation.At eighty-one Valerie has had a remarkable life so far. In this episode of MHP she talks about some of her incredible experiences, like being knighted by the Dutch Royal family, her wonderful career as an underwater photographer, the backlash the film Jaws had on sharks, how eels make great friends and why tiger sharks are pussycats. She shares her admiration for fellow ocean advocate Sylvia Earle, and some of her fights for conservation-why one person sitting on the steps of parliament is all it takes sometimes to see the right thing done and why most environmental groups are going about it all wrong.Valerie Taylor along with her late husband Ron pioneered underwater photography and are considered Australia’s first marine conservationists.Their numerous conservation efforts to protect marine areas and marine animals fill volumes, and Valerie's work on behalf of sharks is unmatched.