My Home Planet Podcast

Sharyn Munro-The Woman on The Mountain, and The Front Line



For Sharyn Munro city life is a jail sentence. When she returned to life in the bush, this author soon became an unlikely voice for people across Australia battling for their land and their livelihoods.In this episode of MHP, Sharyn shares why she’d much prefer a wallaby world to a wally world. She talks about what it’s like to live surrounded by wildlife ( including deadly snakes), building a house literally by hand, witnessing the devastating impacts of forest fires and how she as a nature writer, came to write the seminal work about the dirty tactics used by fossil fuel companies and the impacts on those individuals and communities who are in the firing line.Sharyn Munro is the author of three books, The Woman on the Mountain, Mountain Tales and Rich, Waste Land. As a grandmother, concern about the future for her grandchildren pushes her to continue to speak to audiences beyond the converted around Australia with, for and of those directly affected by coal mining and it’s hazardous impacts.You can find out