My Home Planet Podcast

LoraKim Joyner-Love and Birds in Times of War



LoraKim was dreaming of birds from a young age, which might explain her chosen first career as a veterinarian specialising in avian medicine, a career which has taken her on a journey of love, loss and re-connection across the Americas.In this episode of MHP LoraKim chats about her new book Conservation in Time of War: A transformational journey through beauty and tragedy. The book is a heartfelt memoir filled with joy, sadness, humour and everything in between. She describes her first impressions of Guatemala during the height of a civil war, hearing the voice that would determine her life’s direction, falling in love with country, human, bird and soccer, and how she hasn’t always followed her father’s sage advice. She shares her experiences working to conserve her beloved birds against horrific odds and how she honours them.Rev. LoraKim Joyner is a Unitarian Universalist minister. She currently she serves as a community minister in Multispecies Ministry and Compassionate Communication, in White Plains, New