My Home Planet Podcast

James Stanton-Cooke: Getting Half Cut



Thankfully It’s not every child who is unfortunate enough to witness the total destruction of their backyard playground, but for Beards On co-founder James Stanton-Cooke, the experience, quite understandably left a lasting impression.In this episode of MHP, this mild mannered, deeply committed environmentalist discusses that difficult story. He also chats about his almost career in baseball and being grouped in South America. He talks about magical snakes and menacing salmonella and explains how sometimes the best conversations start when your half cut.James Stanton-Cooke is an Environmental campaigner and Sydney Coordinator for Lock the Gate Alliance. He is also the co-founder of Beards On, a Not For Profit environmental organisation, whose goal is to encourage men to grow a beard and start a conversation about conservation. As a Rainforest Trust Australia partner, Beards On has so far been able to help conserve over 18 million acres of forest through its numerous fundraising campaigns including Half Cut, a