Moving Forward Leadership: Inspire | Mentor | Lead

Company Transformation Through Alignment with Alex Vorobieff - Episode 60



All organizations will go through this during their life cycle at some point... misalignment. Organizations go through misalignment because of many factors - size, age, poor leadership, etc - but all have one thing in common a transformation is required. Alex Vorobieff has helped countless businesses eliminate the source of their frustration and stunted growth by selecting the proper Business Alignment Tools for their specific needs. Alex started his financial clean-up firm in 2003 and evolved into a business turnaround firm to remove common issues that cause financial challenges across many industries. He has served as a clean-up CFO and president of companies in telecommunications, aviation and aerospace, hospitality, healthcare, and outsource staffing, leading successful turnarounds in a little as three months. His latest book, Transform Your Company: Escape Frustration, Align Your Business, and Get Your Life Back, details for executives the critical steps and business alignment tools to transform their d