Moving Forward Leadership: Inspire | Mentor | Lead

Lead True with Mindfulness | Ora Nadrich | Episode 87



Leaders need to be true to themselves, their organizations and most importantly to their people. Today, with the intense pace of daily activities, obligations, and the never-ending stream of information through social media, it is difficult to remain focused and mindful of our actions and surroundings. Losing touch with reality and the world can leave leaders lost and on a path of destruction which could prove to be disastrous for all those involved. Ora is a certified Life Coach, certified Mindfulness Meditation teacher, and author of Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever, which is based on a unique method for transforming negative and fear-based thoughts. Ora is a frequent blogger on Huffington Post, and has written extensively for magazines like MindBodyGreen, You Beauty, You Health, Mama Glow, Success, Conscious Lifestyle, LA Yoga, Women's Health, and many others. She has also been a guest on over 100 radio shows around the country like Transformation Talk, Mental Wellnes