Moving Forward Leadership: Inspire | Mentor | Lead

The Importance of Psychological Safety | Tim Clark | Episode 128



Employee safety is being redefined. We write volumes of standard operating procedures about it. We measure it, regulate it, and insure against its risks. In the U.S. alone, organizations funnel billions into creating workplaces and environments in which employees are safe to bring their best talents. But physical safety, and added creature-comfort perks like stocked snack bars, open-air offices, and foosball tables, only do so much. They don’t adequately address an employee’s state of mind. They all but ignore employees’ psychological safety. Timothy R. Clark is the founder and CEO of LeaderFactor, a leadership consulting and training organization that works with executive teams around the world. An Oxford-trained social scientist and sought-after international authority on organizational change, Dr. Clark is the author of five books on leadership, including his newest release, The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation. Topics During this interview, Tim and I discu